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Research Interest


Mindfulness Stress Based Reduction Facilitation Certificate

Doctor of Education
The University of British Columbia
Concentration: Policy and Leadership

Dissertation: Inclusive EAL Classrooms: How LINC Instructors Understand and Mitigate Barriers, for Students who have Experienced Trauma

This study explored the assumptions and understandings that English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers brought to teaching students who they believed had experienced trauma. The instructors in this study taught in a Canadian federally funded program called Language Instruction Program for Newcomers (LINC). The research was informed by the critical literacy work of Paulo Freire, particularly his critique of the banking model of education and his work on dialogue and praxis.

The research drew on participatory action research. The study illustrated the complex and contradictory understanding that instructors had about trauma and the dilemmas they faced in supporting students affected by trauma in a government funded EAL program for newcomers.

First, this project described the multiple barriers students and instructors faced in trying to create inclusive classrooms. Second, it demonstrated that instructors brought a variety of experiences, techniques and processes to support students who have experienced trauma. Third, it showed that for EAL programs to be responsive to the whole student requires a shift away from neoliberal policy and practice.

Master of Education
The University of British Columbia
Concentration: Feminist Approaches to Social Justice Issues in Education
Graduating Project: Researched and developed a feminist, anti-racist, and emancipatory tutor training manual for volunteers working with live in caregivers.

Columbia College

Bachelor of Arts
The University of Victoria
Concentration: Women’s Studies


AMSSA Staff Recognition Award
The Award recognizes an AMSSA member for innovative programming that supports diversity and promotes integration.

EdD Leadership Award
2007 and 2008
The EdD Leadership Awards program has two objectives: to recognize the academic and professional accomplishments of students in the program and to ease the financial burden of participating in the program for those who are less financially secure.

Gordon Selman Award
This award recognizes one’s contributions to the understanding of social and historical foundations of Adult Education in Canada.

Nominated for Patricia Dryer Award
This award is given to a student who is committed to challenging social inequity, to engaging with intellectual ideas and their practical application, especially in educational settings; and who displays a demeanour of caring and community-building in interactions with others


Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult Education
University of the Fraser Valley
2019 – Present

Limited Term Instructor in the Department of Adult Education
University of the Fraser Valley
2018 – 2019

CALP Adult Literacy Practitioner
Burnaby Neighbourhood House
2013 — 2021

Capilano University
Community Development and Outreach Department

Vancouver Coastal Health
2007 — 2012

Coordination, program development and planning

Manager of Programs and Training
Pacific Immigrant Resources Society BC
2015 — 2018

Vancouver Coastal Health
2012 — 2013

Research Coordinator, Facilitator and Manager
Canucks Family Education Centre
2005 — 2007

Regional Coordinator
Frontier College
2000 — 2005

Research and evaluation

Consultant, Evaluation and Non-profit research
Alison Brewin Consulting
2014 — 2016

Research Assistant to Doctor Pierre Walter
University of British Columbia
2003 — 2004


Current Review Membe
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL)
2019 — Current

Current Peer Reviewer
BC TEAL Journal
2021 – Current

Regional Representative
Canadian Association for the Studies of Adult Education (CASEA)
2022 – Current

Board Member Higher Education
2019 – 2021

Advocacy Committee Member
2018 – 2020

Teacher Inquiry Board Member
2011 – 2015

Franklin Community Preschool Board
2013 – 2014